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Understanding MND

Understanding Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is an important first step when receiving a diagnosis. 

It will help you with managing the disease and planning for what’s ahead as the condition progresses.  As a family/friend carer it’s important to be well informed about MND and receive advice and support from the outset. 

We are the peak body for Motor Neurone Disease in WA and provide information and support both to people with MND and their close family/carers.

The UK Motor Neurone Disease Association has produced a guide for carers supporting someone with MND.  It’s designed to help you look after your own wellbeing.  Whilst some of the information is specific to the UK (e.g., support numbers, assessment processes, etc) there is useful general information about MND and looking after yourself as a carer.   

Access UK Motor Neurone Disease Association Guide for Carers.
access guide



Nancy felt overwhelmed when her husband was first diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. They received a lot of information about his condition and what to expect. They were so caught up in learning of the diagnosis it was hard for her to think about what was ahead. Nancy has adjusted to their life, living with MND. She would like more information about what to expect to prepare herself. She also wants to share this information with close family and friends so they will be able to support her.

John worries about what his future looks like. He’s aware that MND affects everyone differently. His MND Advisor supports John and provides information and education about MND. His Advisor also advocates for him.

We would love to hear your feedback on the MND Family Carers Information Toolkit. Please click here to fill out the feedback form.
feedback form
