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Facts & Figures

MND is a progressive, degenerative neurological condition
  • MND can strike anyone of adult age
  • There is currently no known cure and no effective treatment for MND
  • Each day in Australia two people die from MND
  • Each day in Australia two people are diagnosed with MND
  • People with MND progressively lose the use of their limbs and ability to speak, swallow and breathe, whilst their mind and senses usually remain intact
  • Average life expectancy is 2.5 years*
  • More than 2,000 people have MND in Australia of whom 60% are male and 40% are female*
  • Approximately 200 people are living with MND in Western Australia
  • Average time from onset to confirmation of diagnosis is 10 to 18 months*
  • Approximately 58% of people with MND are under the age of 65*
  • The total cost of MND in Australia was $2.37 billion in 2015. This equates to $1.1 million per person*
  • For every person diagnosed with MND it is estimated that a further 14 members of their family and their friends will live with the effect of MND forever

*Source: Deloitte Access Economics report Economic Analysis of MND in Australia
