The content of the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Western Australia's website is provided for information purposes only. The content has been reviewed to support its accuracy by appropriately qualified and experienced people. The Association does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided on this web site or incorporated into it by reference. The information on the Association website is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content for their own purposes. Before taking any action, competent medical advice should be sought.
Media Consent and Provision of Materials
You acknowledge that in the course of your event participation, photographs, images, film or audio recordings may be taken of you, either alone or with others. If you post photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text or artwork (“materials”) on social media, share that content with Motor Neurone Disease WA using hashtags or tag Motor Neurone Disease WA in the post, or otherwise provide any materials to Motor Neurone Disease, you will ensure that:
- you own the intellectual property in those materials or have the permission of the owner of the intellectual property for Motor Neurone Disease WA (and its assignees and licensees) to use such items;
- the material is not defamatory or a malicious falsehood in relation to any product, service, person or corporation;
- the material is not a ‘passing off’ of any product or service and does not constitute unfair competition;
- the material does not infringe any intellectual property right including, but not limited to, trademarks, service marks or business names (whether registered or unregistered), confidential information and copyright; and
- the material does not infringe any applicable laws including, but not limited to, the Australian Competition and Consumer Laws.
You agree to Motor Neurone Disease WA and its assignees and licensees using photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text, or artwork taken of you and materials provided by you (either complete or in part) for any purpose (including publicity, merchandising, editorial, education, fundraising) in any country and in any type of media without qualification (e.g. newspapers, magazines, social media, other print publications, radio and television broadcasts, websites, webinars, podcasts and vodcasts) and in perpetuity. You agree to the use of your name in conjunction with any photographs, images, film or audio recordings of or quotes from you . You also agree that the photographs, images, film, audio recordings, text or artwork taken of you and materials provided by you may be used by third party media organisations in connection with the reporting of your event.
Delivery Policy
Orders for goods are processed and shipped within 10 business days of the receipt of the order. Where the Association is out of stock due to circumstances beyond our control, the purchaser will be contacted within 10 working days and advised of our inability to supply, the reason why, and offered either a refund or to be supplied when stocks arrive. An expected dispatch date will be advised.
Refunds & Returns
All purchases and purchasers are protected by the statutory rights created under law in Western Australia. The Association stands by the quality of our products. However, should your purchase not meet your expectations, then you can choose between a refund, exchange or credit where goods are faulty, have been wrongly described, are different from a sample shown to you, or are not fit for purpose or do what they are supposed to do. Exchange, refund or credit will be provided if claimed within 30 days of purchase. The original receipt must be presented as proof of purchase. Products and packaging must be returned in original condition. Exchange, refund or credit after 30 days from purchase date is limited to comply with your consumer rights.
Please choose carefully as we do not exchange, refund or credit if you simply change your mind or make the wrong decision.