MNDAWA Advisory Service
MNDAWA Advisors offer invaluable emotional support and guidance to those diagnosed with MND, inclusive of family members. Regular contact is maintained through home visits with interim follow up reviews by telephone and emails.
The Advisors liaise closely with the multi-disciplinary health teams, community services and MND clinics, as an advocate for MND clients. Advisors implement referrals to various health sectors to ensure people living with MND are linked into services that will meet their needs.
MNDAWA Advisors professional knowledge of person-centred care, is respectful and responsive to the values of every individuals’ rights in decision making.
The focus of MNDAWA Advisor’s is to be alongside people living and caring for someone with MND. Education on MND is provided with empathy and understanding for what is occurring in a person’s specific situation and family dynamics.
If you or a family member have been diagnosed with MND, you can contact MNDAWA to link in with a MND advisor. Complete the enquiry form below or phone: 08 6186 4133 or email:
Our office is open Monday – Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm excluding public holidays.

Coordination of Supports (NDIS)
The Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA offers Support Coordination to help people under the age of 65 with MND, and their family to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The NDIS is a support system for people with disabilities that allows them to have more control and options over their supports. This will therefore allow participants to have more equitable and consistent access to services. The NDIS helps with funding for practical and essential supports and services.
What is Coordination of Supports and how does MNDAWA COS differ from other services?
Coordination of Supports is a NDIS funded service that can help you and your family to understand NDIS and use the funding in the best possible way.
At MNDAWA, our Support Coordinators will not only help you navigate the NDIS, they are able to provide a truly specialised coordination of your support needs with a deep understanding of MND and how it impacts on your life.
They will also:
- Assist with your NDIS access request, planning meeting and NDIS Plan review.
- Advocate for the best funding package depending on your needs.
- Help you to understand your NDIS plan and the types of supports and services you can access with your NDIS funding.
- Link you to providers who offer supports and services to meet your needs and will help you to achieve your goals.
- Maintain a watchful eye on your NDIS budget.
How do I get more information?
The best way to get all of your questions answered is to contact us, by calling 08 6186 4133 or by filling in the form below.