Dialog Box


Emotional and Spiritual Support

Learning you or someone you love has an illness like MND can be frightening.  A diagnosis of MND can bring up worries and fears, and it can help to talk about these, so they don’t start to feel impossible to deal with.

You might want to talk to your partner, family, friends, religious minister, people in a similar situation or you may prefer to seek professional support.  

Our MND Advisors provide support to those diagnosed with MND and their families.  They can help you source more emotional and spiritual support if required.



Emma’s husband John doesn’t talk about his emotional and spiritual needs. He seems reluctant to discuss them with Emma, for fear of overburdening her. Emma talks her MND Advisor about her concerns. Her MND Advisor, who has developed a good relationship with John, talks to him to make sure he has all the support he needs.

Marcia finds it difficult to start difficult conversations with her husband Mark. Her MND Advisor suggests involving a friend from their social circle to make sure Mark is getting the emotional and spiritual care he needs

We would love to hear your feedback on the MND Family Carers Information Toolkit. Please click here to fill out the feedback form.
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